install VB6 Di Windows 10

Ini adalah pengalaman pribadi, jika anda programer jadul atau mahasiswa tapi ada mata kuliah visual basic 6 dan anda punya komputer dengan windows 10, Anda menemukan artikel yang tepat bagaiman cara install di windows 10.

Karena di windows 7 aja kadang masih ada yang error apalagi windows 10, di artikel ini saya sediakan vb6 yang sudah siap di install.

Download VB6 Windows 10 Installer [32 MB] [Ready to Install]


Jika anda ingin membuat installer sendiri silahkan download terlebih dahulu file yang di butuhkan

Untuk cara membuat installer sendiri silahkan ikuti video tutorial tutorial berikut ini

Semoga Bermanfaat 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this. I have always used ‘inno setup compiler’ to install my VB 6 solutions, and inno has always performed without fail. This instance was no exception, it worked perfectly. I had VB6 installed on a factory reset PC that I just bought from a friend and I made the decision to upgrade the OS to Windows 10 Pro. After I did that, I had to reinstall all of my software but unlike the original VB6 installation on the Win 10 Home version that I had on here, the installation failed. I have another Windows 10 Home PC that I installed VB6 on a while back and that install failed at first as well, but I was able to go through some manual steps and pretty easily made it work. I don’t know what causes the install to fail, but it isn’t Windows 10 that is to blame because it failed to install on the first Win10 system I put it on, then it installed without any problems at all on the second Win10 system, but then it failed after the upgrade on the 3rd Win10 system I tried to put it on. The first two being the “Home” version and the third being the “Pro” version that I upgraded from “Home”.

    When this latest install failed, I tried to go through the same steps that fixed the first fail on the first Win10 system, but for some reason, it wouldn’t work as it did the first time. I tried some other solutions, including a program that someone wrote specifically for installing VB6 on Win10, but that too failed and I tried several things to fix it, but it just would not work. This solution that you posted here worked very quickly and without a single issue. This is excellent and I just want to say thank you for posting this. VB6 is a critical application for me, without it right now I would be in a real bind. I want to phase it out soon, but I’m not to that point yet and I would have spent a lot of time trying to get this installed if it hadn’t been for your solution.

    I would recommend your solution over any I have seen. I honestly believe there isn’t a better method out there and I feel like this inno script actually did a better job of installing this software than Microsoft’s OEM installation program ever did. I know that sounds crazy, but I’m not joking about it either, this script blew their installation application out of the water. You sir, are the bomb!

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